Cinda helps restore “hope” to your life. She helps put “hopes” into action and guides in a way that helps one feel confident about life.

– Natalie, age 30

Working with Cinda is all about self-discovery. I have found that I will come to a session with a certain “area” I want to delve into and end up walking out of a session with a whole new realization about myself and/or those around me.

– Sandra, age 55

After infidelity was discovered in our relationship, the trust between my fiancé and me was completely shattered. With less than a year before our planned wedding day, we considered putting the wedding on hold, cancelling it completely, or just ending the relationship. After searching [for] Madison-area therapists, we came across Cinda’s website. We opted to attempt salvaging our relationship with [Cinda’s help], and we would not be where we are today without her!

Cinda is very realistic and practical, and she recognizes that not all relationships will be able to overcome such a hurdle. She does not focus only on the person at fault, but takes the time to [allow clients to] understand the dynamic of the relationship and how each of us needed to work together to move past this. Due to the safe environment, I was able to open up about my emotions, while my then-fiancé worked through the feelings she was having.

I appreciated that each session had a real goal, and [that] Cinda had us do work between sessions (homework, communication styles practice). This really bridged the gap and made us feel we could work [on our own] towards improving our relationship…. [in conjunction with] the…. time we spent with Cinda each week. My wife and I have since gotten married [on] the date we originally set. We couldn’t be happier with the changes we’ve made for each other with Cinda’s help.

– John & Michelle, ages 31

When I first started seeing Cinda, I was in a very low point in my life. She helped me look within and tackle my issues one by one. I have life skills that I use every day [thanks to] my sessions with her…. she really became a psychologist/life coach as time went by.

– Randy, age 42

When I first started seeing Cinda, I had been dealing with anxiety, depression, and a general lack of self-confidence and self-worth…. exacerbated by an unhealthy relationship…. Cinda has helped me with self-esteem issues by encouraging me to identify my own strengths and abilities, focusing and building on them…. Cinda has taught me strategies to cope with day-to-day upsets on my own so that they don’t throw me for a loop, giving me confidence to cope with life and whatever comes my way. Cinda is never judgmental…. ;that is one of the things I appreciate the most about her. Any time a friend [is interested in finding a therapist]…. I always give them Cinda’s name and number!

– Rebecca, age 26

Cinda is a wonderfully gifted and personable counselor who listens to her clients. She is able to relate to what we are feeling as a couple and understands each person’s need to be heard and recognized. She has helped us to become better people not only to each other, but to those around us.

– Kate and Dwight, ages, late 40’s and married over 20 years

Cinda assists me in navigating a path in life that makes me feel good about who I am. Through [my work with her] I have gained skills to communicate effectively in both my personal and professional life. Cinda assists me in creating and maintaining healthy boundaries [giving] me the ability to treat others with respect while also respecting myself. Two skills that I have found extremely helpful are the self-talk and factual talk…. I come out [of sessions] with a sense of pride in how I present myself.

– Ellen, age 27

Cinda LaMar is not your typical therapist. For her, it’s less about business and much more about her commitment to improving how you feel about yourself and your life. She genuinely cares about your personal situation and provides you with the necessary confidence to tackle the issues you are facing.

– Michael, age 35

Cinda LaMar
313 Price Place, Suite 105
Madison WI 53705
(Behind the Great Dane Hilldale)